Professional Profile: Leslie Saul 2001

Leslie Saul - 2001

Name: Leslie Saul - 2001

Title: President

Company: Leslie Saul & Associates

Location: Cambridge, MA

Birthplace: Cincinnati, OH, 1954

Family: Husband, Steven; Son, Tommy, 13 College: Rhode Island School of Design First job outside of real estate: Soda jerk in a restaurant First job in real estate or allied field: City of Cincinnati Urban Design Department What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? President of architecture and interiors firm for the past nine years. Hobbies: Golf, reading Favorite book: Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” Favorite Movie: “Shakespeare in Love” Key to success: 1. Have fun and write thank-you notes. 2. Listen to everyone, but hike If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be? Retired