April 06, 2010 -
Front Section
Social media has become an essential component of the successful marketer's toolkit. While participation in this fairly new realm of communication can seem intimidating at first blush, using traditional public relations solutions to drive your social media marketing will integrate your efforts quickly, seamlessly, and successfully.
Market Positioning: Positive Public Relations
Building and maintaining positive public relations is the essence of the real estate industry. Agents who embrace a multi-tiered public relations plan and use it to position themselves as knowledgeable, helpful, and accessible in their local and regional markets, are often the most successful.
In addition to providing top-notch service to each prospect and client, agents should seek out opportunities to write and place press releases, articles, and white papers in local and industry publications. Each printing increases visibility, maximizes messaging, and enhances image.
Also, agents can further their reputations as industry experts by securing speaking opportunities at relevant public and business-to-business events. By complementing these engagements with PowerPoint presentation slides that promote both the agency's brand and talking points, message consistency and brand-recognition are further strengthened.
Part 2 will appear in the April 16th edition of the New England Real Estate Journal.
Linda Fanaras is the president and founder of Millennium Integrated Marketing, Boston and Manchester, N.H.