New Hampshire congressman Frank Guinta recently attended the monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Associated Builders and Contractors of New Hampshire and Vermont (ABC NH/VT).
Scott Knightly of EnviroVantage, board chair of ABC NH/VT welcomed Guinta and facilitated conversation of topics of interest to the organization including Guinta's insight and position on a recent House vote banning Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) which ended in a 210-210 tie.
Knightly will lead the ABC NH/VT Management team in a follow up meeting with Guinta as well as other congressional representatives from NH and Vermont, before a revote is taken, while they are at the 2011 ABC Legislative Conference to be held in Washington, DC June 14-16.
Shown (from left) are: Tim Walton, (ABC National Region 7 vice-chair), Cianbro Corp., Pittsfield, ME; Tim Long, Meridian Construction Corp., Gilford NH; congressman Frank Guinta; Mark Holden, president, Associated Builders and Contractors, Concord NH; Scott Knightly, (ABC NH/VT board chair) EnviroVantage, Epping NH; and Mike Uremovich, chairman, ABC National