July 12, 2012 -
Rhode Island
Events, challenges and achievements for the Rhode Island Builders Association in 2012 continue to move at a hectic pace.
First of all, we congratulate our executive director, John Marcantonio, for rounding out his first year in that difficult post at the center of the action. Yes, believe it or not, John has been at the helm of RIBA's day-to-day operations for an entire year, and he has done a fantastic job. Following the business plan that he created at our behest and working with our dedicated officers, committees and outstanding staff, John has clarified and communicated RIBA's mission and message, brought in a cornucopia of new member benefits, worked tirelessly for our legislative advocacy, spearheaded our drive to recruit new members, kept us on an even keel financially, and much more.
Also in July, we bid farewell and best wishes to John's predecessor, Roger Warren, who has been with us for the past year as director of special projects. Roger has drafted a great educational curriculum that RIBA can use in its expanded class schedule over the next few years.
This month, I urge members who have not already done so to switch to our approved workers' compensation "pay as you go" plan with the Renaissance Group as soon as your renewal date arrives. This revolutionary plan requires no money from you up front and is tailor-made for your company. Your premiums will depend on how much work your company is doing and on your cash flow. If work is slow and you have fewer employees, you will pay less.
Most of our members renew their workers' compensation policies on October 1st. That might seem far away, but it's not! So take time now to find out about the "EZPayIns" plan from Renaissance, which you can buy through your own agent, and you'll see that it's the plan for you. For more information, see pages 9 and 16, or call Michael Kass at the Renaissance Group, (781) 943-1661.
RIBA's legislative efforts are summed up on our Legislative Committee report on page 12, and much RIBA-backed legislation had not yet been voted on when we went to press. Nevertheless, all indications are that this has been a good legislative year for RIBA. There will be a complete rundown of the 2012 legislative session in the August issue of The Rhode Island Builder Report.
Planning for 2013
already under way
We are already planning our advocacy for the 2013 legislative session. Anything we were unable to accomplish for our industry in 2012 will be back on the table with renewed energy in 2013.
One success we do know about as I write this is the inclusion of a $25 million housing bond proposal in Gov. Lincoln Chafee's 2012-2013 budget. For this we thank the governor and the many advocates who have worked to get this very important bond issue on the November ballot. The 2006 housing bond issue ultimately created over half a billion dollars in work for Rhode Island's residential contractors, according to Rhode Island Housing executive director Richard Godfrey.
Supporting this bond issue will be a major focus for RIBA and for all our members over the next few months, and we will be telling you how to help.
Robert Baldwin is president of R.B. Homes, Inc., Lincoln and is president of RIBA.