July 19, 2012 -
Name: Myles Brown, AIA, LEED AP
Title: Senior Associate
Company: Amenta/Emma Architects
Location: Hartford, CT
Birthplace: Hartford, CT
Family: Wife, Nicole; 5 children - Adison, Tessa, Sarah, Rachel and Rebecca
College: Bachelor of Architecture - Roger Williams University
First job unrelated to your current field: Store associate at Hinman's Garden Center
First job in current field: Architectural intern at Brookfield Design Group (my Dad's firm)
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Amenta/Emma is a design-oriented firm with a wide range of projects including commercial, academic, senior living, and mixed-use/retail. One of the firm's future goals is to expand its number of offices in the region.
Hobbies: Fly fishing, hiking, running, snowboarding, softball, gardening/landscaping, sketching
Favorite novel: Currently reading "Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson
Favorite film: Not much of a film guy. Prefer a ball game, live music or other outdoor entertainment.
Keys to success: Working hard, seeing the big picture, having a sense of humor, not taking myself too seriously, and believing that every problem has a better solution.
Person you admire most (outside of family): Samuel Mockbee, Jackie Robinson
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Fly fishing guide