Name: Kira Robinson-Kates
Title: Financial Planner, Registered Representative
Company: Baystate Financial Services
Location: 200 Clarendon St, 19th Floor, Boston, MA 02116
Place of birth: Boston
College: Johns Hopkins University
Family: Newlywed
First job unrelated to your current field: Camp counselor
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Kira leads, a fourth generation financial planning practice that helps families and business owners create, accumulate, and preserve wealth in the most tax efficient manner possible. Her team's mission is to provide high quality and innovative ideas and concepts while showing clients how to look at money in a way they've never viewed it before.
Hobbies: Golf, tennis, theater
Favorite film: Field of Dreams
Favorite novel: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Keys to success: Listen more than you speak, treat people with respect, exceed every expectation, and above all, be passionate about your profession. Love what you do and others will be drawn to you.