Wentworth Institute of Technology is launching a new graduate program in Facility Management this fall. The Master of Science in Facility Management (MSFM) program is designed to educate students in management principles, enhance facility management skills and knowledge, and prepare them for advancing their careers in the facility management area.
Managing the built environment is an increasingly valued competence that integrates the elements of project management; finance; real estate; employees and their working environment; space planning; building operations and maintenance; and quality assessment. As companies today are particularly focused on implementing cost-cutting measures to improve profitability, streamline operations, and compete globally, students will learn the leadership and business skills necessary to respond to keep their facilities highly efficient and functional.
"There are tremendous job opportunities and unmet demand in the growing field of facilities management," said Suzanne Kennedy, chair of the management and facilities dep. "The role of facility manager continues to evolve as organizations become increasingly sophisticated and efficient. More companies recognize the need for facility managers to have an academic background and see the function as a key business operation, especially since it is typically the second highest cost to a business behind labor."
The MSFM program, the Institute's third graduate program, is structured as a blended learning model that includes face-to-face and online delivery. It is offered as an evening program for adult learners, and can be completed in five semesters. More information regarding the program can be found at www.wit.edu/msfm