October 25, 2012 -
Green Buildings
The Commonwealth of Mass. has initiated a major effort to encourage the recycling and the processing of source separated organic materials such as food wastes. For this Nov. 2, 7:30am-noon EBC program, the commissioners of the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Mass. Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and their staffs will describe the strategy the Commonwealth has initiated to address the siting and financing of source separated organics processing facilities. The strategy provides a clear siting and permitting pathway, a ban on disposal of certain organics and development of facilities on state owned land. Representatives of the Mass. Clean Energy Center (CEC) and the DOER will describe how they propose to provide incentives for energy facilities that use source separated organic feedstocks, such as anaerobic digestion. Presenting the private sector perspective will be Paul Sellew, president of Harvest Power, a Mass. based owner and operator of facilities throughout North American that produce renewable energy and high-value soil, mulch and organic fertilizer products from organic materials. Program chair: Robert Golledge, president, Golledge Strategies and Solutions, LLC Keynote speakers: Kenneth Kimmel, commissioner, MassDEP Mark Sylvia, Commissioner, Mass. Department of Energy Resources Speakers include: Jamie Doucett, Bureau of Solid Waste, MassDEP Ann Lowery, Bureau of Resource Protection, MassDEP Greg Cooper, Bureau of Solid Waste, MassDEP Catherine Finneran, Clean Energy Director, MassDEP Paul Sellew, President, Harvest Power Amy Barad, MassCEC Bram Claeys, MassDOER Draft Agenda Registration and Networking: 7:30am - 8:00am Program: 8:00am - 12:00pm Registration Fees: EBC members: $120* Non-Members: $165* Government & Non-Profit Rate: $50 *After October 31st and at the door, add $20. Cancellations must be received by 5pm on October 31st for a refund. Parking: Please consider taking public transportation. For those who drive, on-street metered parking is available as well as area parking garages. Please do not park in the 100 Summer Street parking garage. Subsidized Rates: (Only 5 available at each rate. Subsidized registrations not accepted at the door.) Job Seeker Rate: $25 For attendees who are currently unemployed - not self-employed. Young Environmental Professional Rate: $25 An EBC Member who has worked in his/her field for less than 5 years. The electricity for this EBC event has been matched with 100% local wind power through New England Wind, a program of Mass Energy Consumers Alliance. You can green your electricity too! Visit www.massenergy.org.