October 24, 2013 -
Green Buildings
The Environmental Business Council of New England has scheduled many interesting and diverse upcoming programs this fall.
EBC Rhode Island Chapter Breakfast Program: China - Environmental and Energy Disaster?
November 5: 7:30am - 10:30am
This EBC Rhode Island Chapter breakfast program will feature guest speaker Michael Sullivan, professor at the University of R.I. in Kingston, who served as director of the R.I. Department of Management and returned to his URI position after DEM service. From his first hand experiences traveling to China and working there on a number of environmental projects, Professor Sullivan will discuss the current state of the environment policies, programs and opportunities that are developing in China. This program is complimentary.
EBC Solid Waste Program: Food Waste Co-Digestion at WWTPs - Comparing Source Separation and "Down the Pipe" Approaches
November 8: 7:30am - 10am
As Mass., Conn., and Vermont each move forward with plans to ban food scraps from landfills, increased attention has been focused on whether and how to leverage the existing waste water treatment infrastructure to handle increased volumes of these discarded organics. While food scraps can significantly boost biogas yields at traditional anaerobic digesters attached to treatment plants, sewage system and plant operators need to consider a variety of factors in determining whether and how to accept additional food scraps. Two main models have emerged: (a) grind the food scraps and send it through the sewer system; or (b) separate the food scraps from other waste and recyclables, then collect and haul the material directly to the anaerobic digester for processing. This EBC program will explore these two approaches and highlight the technical and economic issues to be considered by plant operators, policy makers, and market participants.
EBC Site Remediation & Redevelopment Program: Advances in Site Remediation
November 12: 7:30am - 12noon
Are you having trouble meeting the performance standard for 1,4-dioxane? Do you need to conduct remediation in an urban setting with limited access? This EBC site remediation program will discuss in situ chemical oxidation/reduction technologies, the role of matrix diffusion and its impact on groundwater remediation and a new, effective approach to 1,4-dioxane treatment. Speakers will present the technologies, proven case studies, and lessons learned. Following the presentations the speakers will participate in an interactive panel discussion.
EBC Sustainability Program Series, Part Three: Communicating Achievements - Sustainability Reporting
November 15: 7:30am - 12noon.
This program will discuss the key steps involved in developing a successful Sustainability Report, and the skills that environmental professionals will want to acquire to be able to participate or lead such comprehensive reporting efforts. Recent developments covered will include the new G4 guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative and the evolving framework for Integrated Reporting.
For more information visit www.ebcne.org.