October 21, 2014 -
On September 24, IREM CT Chapter No. 51 members attended the chapter meeting and election of officers at The Traditions Golf Course. The afternoon session included a presentation and discussion on ethics, an important creed of IREM and its members. The new slate of officers was presented by Mark O'Hagan, CPM of Fusco Management Company, and voted on by the
Members in attendance.
Elected officers for 2015 are:
* President: Jason Falcetta, CPM, ACoM, Fusco Management Company,
* Vice president/president elect: Sandi Siedel, CPM, CA White,
* Treasurer: David McGuill, CPMC, Related Management,
* Secretary: Heather Philips, ARM, CPMC, HallKeen Management.
Falcetta said, "You get out of IREM what you put into it." He also stated, "Join a committee, attend a meeting, network and promote your business. IREM is here to help."
Please visit www.irem-ct.org for a calendar of events and photos from the day.