Name: Sheila Selby
Title: Owner
Company: On The Move Interiors
Location: Brookline, MA
Place of birth: Marblehead, MA
College: University of Massachusetts, Amherst (bachelor of Business Administration), Harvard University (master of City and Regional Planning), BAC & NESAD (Interior Design Curricula)
First job unrelated to your current field: Retail analyst for Boston Redevelopment Authority
First job in current field: Commercial interior designer at Boston architecture firm
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? We excel at providing workplace strategy and interior design services for commercial clients. I have a finance and commercial real estate lending and appraisal background. Integrating that with the firm's and my design expertise makes On The Move Interiors the perfect workplace strategy firm. We continuously evolve as our clients' needs change.
Hobbies: Bluegrass music, volunteering
Favorite novel: "The Devil In The White City"
Favorite film: "Duck Soup"
Keys to success: Integrity, passion, perseverance, professionalism, constant learning and truly understanding our clients' needs.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Bob and (the late) Myra Kraft.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Circus Clown!