March 19, 2015 -
Name: Frank Hird, SIOR
Title: Vice President O,R&L Commercial/ President CT/W MA Chapter of SIOR
Company: O,R&L Commercial
Location: Branford, CT
Birthplace and Year: Worcester, MA 1956
Your favorite quote or words to live by: You are only as good as your next deal
What 5 words would you use to describe how you got to where you are now: Knowledge, Persistence, Ethics, Friendship, SIOR
First job outside of the industry you are in now: Manpower Research Analyst, State of Maine
First job in the commercial industry: Commercial real estate agent, Weady Investment Properties
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Commercial sales and leasing throughout the world.
How do you unwind from a busy day at work: Dinner and conversation with my wife.
Do you own a pet (If so, what kind and what is its name?): Tommy, 95 pound yellow lab
What object can you not live without: Sonos sound system at home.
Favorite movie or show: Trading Places
Favorite song and artist: From classical to blues, jazz and rock. They are all my favorites.
If you knew then what you know now, what would you tell yourself: Get into Commercial Real Estate now, don't wait.
One word to describe your work environment: Open
Rules to live by in business: Always be faithful to your clients and honest with your competition.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go: Douglas Adams-Restaurant at the end of the universe
What is your dream job: The one I have.