Newton, MA The New England SIOR Chapter held its annual RW Holmes Scholarship Night in collaboration with MIT Center For Real Estate on November 16, at Brae Burn Country Club. Colliers was the sponsor for this event. It was the first time that both MIT and the New England chapter collaborated a joint scholarship evening. Over 45 members and guests attended this event. The SIOR national president, Geoff Kasselman, SIOR regional vice-president, Dennis Hennessey as well as MIT Center of Real Estate, head of industry relations Steve Weikal were in attendance.
Tim Brodigan, chapter president started the evening by thanking outgoing chapter president Don Mancini for his time and efforts over the last two years with a gift of appreciation from the chapter. Mancini has helped to grow the chapter with continued success. Geoff Kasselman then spoke about his plans to grow SIOR as an international organization and to support the growth with younger members. Kasselman, being from Chicago, also cheered on the Cubs as the new World Series Champs. Greg Klemmer, SIOR chapter member then gave Kasselman a gift from the New England Chapter and announced first that the Cubs weren’t the only team with a long time drought as World Series Champs. He proceeded to then give Kasselman a Boston Red Sox hat which he sportingly wore in good fun.
Dennis Hennessey, RVP spoke about the continued branding of SIOR and its new logo and the spark that he has seen with the organization. Efforts are underway to continue the exposure of SIOR nationally in various national publications. Both Kasselman and Hennessey spoke about the virtues of the New England Chapter and how the chapter has been incredibly involved with numerous events during the year as compared to other SIOR chapters.
Steve Weikal was introduced and he thanked the SIOR chapter for the continued collaboration and involvement within the chapter and MIT’s educational involvement at the SIOR National Conventions. MIT was most recently included at the recent convention in NYC this past October and ran a program on autonomous cars. Weikal then introduced the MIT Center of Real Estate scholarship recipients. Keitaro Bando and Fernanda Sanchez Attolini both student at MIT Center of Real Estate were both introduced as the MIT students who were awarded scholarships. Both Keitaro and Fernanda thanked MIT for its gift and spoke about how they entered the real estate profession. They also spoke about their internship experiences over the last few years. They are entering into their final year at MIT.
Whit Bond, SIOR, a long time SIOR and chapter member was introduced to speak about his friendship and connection with Bob Holmes and how they were partners on real estate holdings. Bond spoke about Bob’s leadership within the chapter, his high level of integrity and professionalism that has led to the naming of the RW Holmes Scholarship after Bob’s passing. Garry Holmes, SIOR and Bob’s son has been directing the Scholarship committee and its selection of the Holmes scholarship.
Tim Brodigan, chapter president then announced that the 2016 RW Holmes Scholarship goes to an up and coming commercial broker with less than 5 years in the industry. The scholarship is to be used for a SIOR national educational event and to pursue the SIOR designation. A number of applicants are reviewed by the RW Holmes Scholarship Committee and a selection is then made during the summer. Brodigan then announced this year’s 2016 RW Holmes Scholarship recipient to Kevin Brawley of Colliers. Brawley has been working at Colliers as a suburban office broker and has been attending real estate courses at Boston University’s Center for Real Estate over the last few years. Brawley was introduced and thanked the chapter for the monetary gift and stated that he planned to attend an upcoming SIOR course in 2017. Kasselman also congratulated Brawley for his award and his commitment to the commercial real estate profession. The remainder of the evening was spent with members congregated and socializing.
The Chapter would like to thank Colliers for sponsoring this event.