Another year is winding down already as time flies when you’re having fun… and keeping busy. Whether you’re searching for new tenants, leasing space, building out an office, managing properties, servicing customers, and so on, there are numerous steps from start to finish and it takes a lot of ongoing hard work from a team of dedicated professionals to get it done.
BOMA is just that, we are the team of professionals that collaborate and work together from start to finish. To achieve this, you must be well connected with individuals and companies you have faith in. Our organization is all about building relationships amongst its members. Strong relationships come from a level of trust and comfort, not from just getting the initial deal done, but the ongoing, day-to-day, behind the scenes operations. We get busier and busier and with a good team in place, the work load can be streamlined.
Considering how we operate today based on so much mobile technology, BOMA Southern CT hosted a luncheon meeting on November 5th on how apps can help. With busy schedules, a good app can save time in both our professional and personal lives. The panel consisted of Jackie Lightfield of the Stamford Partnership, Jodi Gutierrez of George Comfort & Sons, and Rona Siegal of Collins Enterprises. They reviewed items that save time in note taking, on the go document signing, presentations, security, scanning, planning review, and much more. It was an insightful technology filled meeting.
For future BOMA SoCT events, you can refer to our website at Upcoming events include our Holiday Social at Innis Arden Golf Club in Greenwich and stay tuned for info on our State of the Market meeting in January 2016.
If you are someone starting out, or considering a career in property management or related industry, please contact us for information on BOMA SoCT. We are always looking to expand our organization and have a diverse, well experienced membership including property and facility managers, developers, owners, brokers, professional consultants, and service providers. We also have great committees that create informative, networking, and social events throughout the year.
Victor DeCicco is the president of BOMA Southern Connecticut, and is with HB Nitkin Group, Greenwich, Conn.