Norwalk, CT The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors held its annual meeting and dinner at Merritt 7 Corporate Office Park. The 31 members of the chapter in attendance voted on officers for the coming year. The new president is Jeff Ryer, SIOR, CCIM, of Ryer Associates; vice president is Kristin Geenty, SIOR, of The Geenty Group; and secretary/treasurer will be Art Ross, SIOR, of Newmark Grubb Knight Frank.
It was also decided to include the committee heads as part of the executive committee in the coming year. Committee heads are John Reed, SIOR, of CBRE Membership; Tom Pajolek, SIOR, of CBRE, Programs; and David Fugitt, SIOR, of Vidal Wettenstein, sponsorship.
The group has committed to hosting additional educational programs for members and prospective members in the coming year.
After the chapter’s annual business meeting, the members and guests enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres before a sumptuous dinner. The evening was sponsored by the Merritt 7 Ventures, Clarion Partners and Marcus Partners; and the chapter would like to extend a special thanks to the owners of Merritt 7 for providing their venue for the event.