What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2016?
We set up a municipal services division at CERC that provides local economic development services for towns and cities across Connecticut. We are seeing the demand soar as municipalities work to increase physical, social and economic value and strengthen their commercial tax base.
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2016?
CERC is finishing a large-scale project with the town of Fairfield to assist them in developing a strategic vision for economic development for the next decade. With GE leaving its campus, 2 universities and transit-oriented development underway, the town is undergoing a lot of change and wants to seize opportunity proactively.
We have engaged the elected officials, the university presidents, realtors and developers as well as many businesses and residents to best position Fairfield for the next 10-15 years. It is an exciting project which will undoubtedly guide their decision making and result in positive and transformational change, all while maintaining their community character.