Concord, NH Frank Lemay, founder and president of Milestone Engineering and Construction has been named as the recipient of the twentieth annual New Hampshire Construction Industry Ethics Award. The award honors the “individual, business or organization that, through its words and deeds, best demonstrates a commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards in construction.” Lemay will be presented with the award at the Concord Chamber of Commerce’s State of the City Breakfast Forum, to be held on Thursday, April 14th, at 7:30 am at the Holiday Inn.
Lemay has more than four decades of construction and engineering experience. He began his career at age 15 with his uncle’s paving business, working there through high school and while attending Northeastern University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. After two years with Massachusetts’ O’Donnell Construction, he spent a decade with R.C. Foss and Sons, rising to vice president and stockholder.
In 1988, Lemay, a registered structural engineer, and a partner founded Milestone Engineering and Construction, growing it from an 8’x10’ office into what is today one of New Hampshire’s most respected construction firms. Ownership is now shared with his son, Geoffrey, and three other long-time managers. Known for its loyalty and treatment of its employees, Milestone staff members average 14 years with the company.
Clients, architects, subcontractors and competitors all praise the manner in which Lemay conducts his business.
“Milestone is Brewster Academy’s primary contractor,” said Lisa Braiterman, the school’s CFO, “and the reason is that we know that Frank and all his supervisors and project managers deal with us honestly and directly, do not hide any issues or problems, and work hard to ensure that projects they perform are done safely, correctly and within our budget and timetable.”
New Hampshire Distributors is another long-time client. “From the time the concept is born, Frank is there learning all he can about our business and our needs and helps us design and produce a finished product that exceeds those needs,” said Thomas Painchaud, senior vice president. “Frank gives us options…As is often the case, the options Frank suggests are not the most expensive but rather the most practical…I cannot say enough about the integrity of FrankLemay and Milestone.”
“Frank brings a rare combination of experience, dependability and good humor to every project,” said Barry Brensinger of Lavallee | Brensinger Architects. “His trustworthiness is beyond reproach. He has built a very successful business on partnerships with owners and architects that are founded upon fairness and ‘always doing what’s right.’ In fact, when Lavallee Brensinger needed a CM for its own offices, Frank was our unanimous choice.”
Ken Duchesne is vice president of Granite State Plumbing and Heating. “I have had the honor of knowing Frank since 1991. He hasn’t wavered once from his actions of being honest and forthright. His consistent display of respect and honesty to all is refreshing. His word is his bond. He has always embraced doing what is right for all parties, not just Milestone.”
Lemay has also earned the respect of his competitors. “Frank is among the most outstanding people I have ever come across in our business,” said Rob Prunier, executive vice president of Harvey Construction. “Not only does he conduct himself with integrity and trustworthiness that is needed in our business, but he also offers a unique ability to connect with people. I have observed Frank for many years and have always admired his ability to talk with people one-on-one, as well as command their respect and trust.”
Lemay is also an active supporter of the community. He has served on the boards of CATCH Neighborhood House, Second Start (past president) and the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, as well as been the Business and Industry Association representative to the NH Lakes Management Advisory Committee, advisor to the Kimball Jenkins School of Art and a member of the Concord Hospital Business Partners in Health Committee. He has also chaired numerous building committees in Chichester and coached youth soccer.
In addition to a plaque, the award carries with it a $1,000 donation to the recipient’s charity of choice. Lemay has requested that the donation be split between Second Start and the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance.
The New Hampshire Construction Industry Ethics Award was established and is underwritten by David Wood, a former nationally recognized writer, publisher and marketing consultant specializing in the construction industry. His newsletter, Words from Woody, won 25 awards, including being a three-time recipient of the Construction Writers Association’s T. Randolph Russell Award. In 2005, Wood was presented with the Silver Hard Hat, that organization’s highest honor.
Previous recipients of the award have been William Clark, of Clark Masonry Construction, Milford, N.H.; William Walker, of The MacMillin Company, Keene, N.H.; Samuel Audley, of R.S. Audley, Inc., Bow, N.H.; Levi Ladd, of L.K. Ladd, Inc., Concord, N.H.; Jack McDevitt Jr., of McDevitt Trucks, Inc., Manchester, N.H.; Tom Avallone, of Cobb Hill Construction, Concord, N.H.; Jim Morrill, of Morrill Construction, North Haverhill, N.H.; Mark and Rick Charbonneau, of Continental Paving, Londonderry, N.H.; Leighton White, of Leighton A. White Inc., Milford, N.H.; Rich Lambert, of PROCON, Hooksett, N.H.; Tom Palazzi, of The Palazzi Corporation, Hooksett, N.H.; Ron Severino, of Severino Trucking, Candia, N.H.; Paul Morin, of Tarkka Homes, Weare, N.H.; Bruss Construction, Bradford, N.H.; John Zahr, of Harvey Construction Corp., Bedford, N.H.; Mark Bates, of Weaver Brothers Construction, Bow, N.H.; Tom Morin, of Morin’s Landscaping, Hollis, N.H.; Dan Hazelton, of Anderson Equipment Company, Manchester, N.H.; and Richard Uchida, of Hinckley Allen, Concord, N.H.