Nominated Projects
Ames Shovel Works Apartments - Prellwitz Chilinski Associates
Benfield Farms - DiMella Shaffer
Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Field Headquarters - Architerra
John J. Sbrega Health and Sciences Building - Sasaki Associates
Tata Hall - Harvard Business School
The Wyeth Residences - Touloukian Touloukian Inc
Summer Star - The Green Engineer
National University of Ireland - Payette
What are the entry criteria?
This prize recognizes a building, innovative technology or product, or policy/program that best exemplifies the Chapter’s passion for sustainable design.
The building can be a LEED building or a non-LEED building. If the project is a residential project, it must be a multi-family project with at least three residences. All building entries must be in Massachusetts. The project must have been completed in the last two years (since October of 2013). If it is a technology or product, the focus should be on the use of the technology in a specific building, and the technology company must be a located in Massachusetts. Last, the entrant must be a USGBC MA Chapter member.
The jury will consider the following criteria:
• The innovativeness of the entry - does it break new ground?
• The significance of the entry’s positive impact on the environment, social equity and the economy. How much good does it do?
• Replicability. Is the entry something that can be used as a model for others?