Pictured above (from left) are: Adrienne Maley, BOMA Boston; Elisabeth Jackson, Bridge Over Troubled Water; Jonathan Peck, C&W Services; Steve Wessling, Wessling Architects; Jim DerMinasian, Taurus Management Services, LLC.
Boston, MA On Thursday, March 23, BOMA Boston named its alignment with their new charitable partner, Bridge Over Troubled Water at BOMA’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. The 3-5 year partnership is one of BOMA Boston’s new strategic initiatives launched this year. BOMA Boston will be working with Bridge to help support their mission through community service activities, visibility and fundraising.

addresses the BOMA Boston membership about their
future charitable alignment.
Bridge Over Troubled Water is Boston’s premier organization dedicated to transforming the lives of runaway, homeless, and high-risk youth through safe, supportive, and encouraging relationships and effective and innovative services that guide them towards self-sufficiency. Starting in 1960, Bridge has since evolved into a national model and program incubator for youth development services which are effective in helping the most troubled and vulnerable homeless youth to turn their lives around.
To learn more about Bridge Over Troubled Water, please visit bridgeotw.org. Stay connected and like Bridge on Facebook and Twitter @BridgeOTW.
BOMA Boston’s Annual Summer Tournaments
On Friday, June 9, BOMA Boston will host the annual Striped Bass & Bluefish Fishing Tournament out of Rowes Wharf. Event participants will enjoy a half-day of fishing followed up by an awards luncheon reception at The Daily Catch. Sponsorship and other fishing opportunities are still available.
Save the date for BOMA Boston’s Golf Cup Tournament on Monday, July 10 at Pinehills Golf Club in Plymouth, Mass. This annual tournament draws over 200 attendees for a full day out on the course, followed by a networking dinner reception and awards presentation. Sponsorship and foursome opportunities are now available. Please contact BOMA Boston for more information or to register or visit www.bomaboston.org .
BOMA Boston TOBY & Industry Awards
Each year, the The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY) & Industry Awards recognize industry excellence in property management, building operations, and service in the real estate industry. There are 17 categories for TOBY awards, and 9 categories for the Industry Awards. Since the TOBYs are a nationally recognized award, the local winners move on to regional competition, and hopefully International competition. Winners at the local level receive visibility at the Awards Dinner, BOMA Boston website, and local trade publications. Deadline for all nominations and building entries is Monday, September 11. The winners will be announced at the annual TOBY & Industry Awards at the Boston Marriott Copley Place on Thursday, November 16.
For more information on the awards program and/or the submission and nomination process, please visit the TOBY & Industry Awards website at www.bomaboston.org.