Roche Realty Group
Meredith, NH Rachel Xavier, a real estate associate with Roche Realty Group has closed out her year, achieving just under $17 million in sales for 2017.
Xavier has consistently been one of Roche Realty’s top multi-million-dollar producers, continually ranking in the top five agents within the firm. In 2017, for the second year in a row, Xavier was third in sales income and sales volume for the firm reaching almost $17 million in sales.
Born in Rhode Island, Xavier grew up on Lake Winnipesaukee and in the Lakes Region, spending summers there since she was a small child. She is a graduate of the class of 2006 from Plymouth State University where she majored in Communications and minored in Business.
Roche Realty has reported a record year with a sales volume of $166.7 million involving 569 transaction sides. The figure represents the highest sales achievement in the company’s 26-year history, surpassing the 2016 sales volume of $161 million, which previously was the strongest year in history. Roche Realty Group is a local, family owned, independent firm and is one of the largest, volume wise, in the entire state of New Hampshire.