The Valentine Group
This month’s topic builds on a previous theme: Volunteerism. When volunteers serve, they attach more importance to serving the CRE community than to serving themselves. They aspire to the principle of donating time and energy for the benefit of others in the CRE community, but as a social responsibility rather than for any financial reward.
Here is your chance to donate some time and energy to benefit the industry which puts food on the table and clothes on our backs.
In early October, a committee will be meeting to present nominations for board of director positions. There are openings on NHCIBOR, the statewide commercial realtor board, and NECPE, the board which governs our information exchange (The exchange is wholly owned by NHCIBOR).
The commitment is a short one, only 3 years. NHCIBOR meets monthly for about an hour, sometimes a little longer. NECPE meets every other month, usually for not longer than an hour. They are morning meetings.
You will meet new people, you will learn a lot about how our industry functions, how and why rules are made, how legislation at local, state and federal levels gets passed and you will feel good about yourself for having volunteered. A by-product of board involvement is expanding your sphere of influence among the leaders of our industry.
Give myself, or anyone of our board members a call to explore this opportunity.
Already a board member? Already sit on your local zoning or planning board, or an economic development council? Thank you very much for volunteering.
Ralph Valentine is the 2018 president of the NH CIBOR, Bedford, N.H.