ABC Mass.
At ABC, we try to address a wide range of member company needs. One thing almost all those activities have in common is that they depend on membership – whether training employees at the Gould Construction Institute, providing members with access to a pipeline of qualified workers through the Merit Apprentice Program (MAP) and, more recently, through our pre-apprenticeship program, or working to promote the interests of our members on Beacon Hill.
Our membership numbers have been on the rise in recent years. As a result, we were able to establish MAP, the Gould is educating a record number of students, and we have been successful at both advocating for our priorities on Beacon Hill and stopping harmful legislation.
But these are just a few of the benefits member companies enjoy. We offer a multi-employer 401(k) program, assistance on legal matters, a highly-successful Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Group and other money-saving insurance options, and discounts on everything from vehicle purchases and gas to telephone services and shipping. And don’t forget opportunities to be recognized for your company’s accomplishments through our Excellence in Construction and Safety, Training and Education Program awards.
Last but not least is our Future Leaders group (abcmafutureleaders.org), which engages company personnel at all levels. Employees gain professionally through active participation, which leads to stronger, better-run member companies, improved retention and an even more vibrant ABC.
We can never rest on our laurels or forget that membership is the foundation of everything our chapter does. Thanks to the hard work of membership director Ken Ledwak, participating members and ABC staff, we had another successful membership drive last year, bringing in 30 new members over the two-day drive. Our chapter has grown for six straight years and we have achieved 90 percent retention five years in a row. The success of our annual drive is one of the main reasons we continue to be one of the top chapters in the country in terms of membership.
By redoubling our efforts to maximize membership there is much more we can accomplish in areas ranging from workforce development to our efforts on Beacon Hill and beyond. This year’s membership drive is scheduled for October 24-25 at our Woburn offices. If you’d like information on how you can help, please contact Ken at ken@abcma.org or (781) 273-0123.
ABC has come a long way in recent years, but it’s just the beginning. The more members we have, the more we can do to help each one.
John Anderson is the 2018 chairman of the Associated Builders and Contractors Inc.-Mass. Chapter, Woburn, Mass. and is the president of Plumb House Inc., Milford, Mass.