The Valentine Group
This month’s message is a follow up as it relates to the local, regional and national databases. NAR is in the process of making a choice of a provider from among three vendors, one of which will provide a national commercial database platform. The final 3 are Catalyst, Crexi and Brevitas. The new platform will provide an alternative to our good friends at CoStar/LoopNet.
I would encourage those members with an interest in the direction of CRE databases to attend the NAR’s conference in Boston and test drive the three systems. On Friday and Saturday, each of the three vendors will be holding all-day demonstrations. NAR is looking for our input and will be providing a survey for us to complete. Please let NAR know what you think about these products.
I hope many of our members will be attending some portion of the NAR conference which runs from November 2-5. There are many commercial related events and break-out sessions to attend and many exhibitors to visit. Check out the Commercial Economic Issues & Trends Forum, spend time in the Commercial Marketplace at the Expo visiting exhibitors, discovering new tools, and pick up resources from NAR and the commercial institutes, societies, and councils. Get a learning break in the Commercial Theater, with 24 sessions to choose from on topics including growing your international network, negotiating skills, investment strategies, and much more! Make new connections Saturday, November 3rd at the Commercial Red Carpet Social at WeWork One Beacon Street (ticket required, limited capacity).
Hope to see you in Boston.
Ralph Valentine is the 2018 president of the NH CIBOR, Bedford, N.H.