To get the most out of any media channel, it’s usually necessary to invest some money in it. Then you need to keep your messages consistent. Certainly, this is true of Google and social media if you want to immediately drive targeted visitors to your website. And even many of those “targeted” visitors can wind up being “tire kickers” or they may find your site out of context because of industry-specific terms or keyword confusion.
Paid search boosts web traffic and sometimes sales very quickly when properly executed. In the world of paid online advertising, you need to understand the Google platform and this is best reserved for specialists. It also takes an ad budget sufficient to generate enough high value clicks to make paid search pay off.
Great SEO Results – Naturally
But let’s focus on organic SEO, that is unpaid, high Internet search engine results based on the structure and content of your website. Your site can rank and perform highly in search engines if you do a good job with your website development and content quality, and then keep it maintained!
Many businesses may fore-go the high cost of a Google Ads campaign if they don’t need to push results immediately but instead want to grow their inbound leads and sales results over time. With a little patience and conscientious website development and maintenance, Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. will start to deliver your website to people searching your site’s keywords and phrases. This process may take several months or a year to start showing impressive results.
Content Relevancy and
User Experience
Ask yourself these crucial web user experience (UX) questions: Do people who search for your kind of expertise get rewarded when they land on your website? Just how authoritative is your site’s content when judged by an objective marketplace? How well do your competitors’ sites stack up against yours? Are you envious of competition websites? How current is your information? How quickly do you respond to the market with updated content about technology changes or new trends? Do you have an active blog with videos, downloadable content and easy contact forms?
You know what the answers to the above questions should be. All you need is some focused dedication and your website will be a more and more valuable marketing asset. High organic SEO performance is reserved for the businesses that take their websites seriously and continually maintain them. It’s really that simple.
Chuck Sink is the owner of Chuck Sink Link, Contoocook, NH.