of Cork and Keg along with new dog Whiskey,
Mary Crowley, Marie Bodi and Miriam LeClair all
from CPManagement; and NHSPCA volunteer
Barbara Marino and her friend
Stratham, NH CPManagement, Inc. supported the “Give a Second Chance” holiday drive by donating baskets and shopping carts full of animal treats, canned cat and dog food, as well as fluffy blankets to the NHSPCA of Stratham, servicing the many Seacoast communities throughout New Hampshire.
“Each year CPManagement staff sponsors a charitable cause and for the second time in three years, the choice was to support the New Hampshire Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (NHSPCA) with physical donations,” said Mary Crowley of the 2018 holiday committee for
CPManagement. Partnering with Sean Crowley, proprietor of the Cork and Keg of Raymond where the festivities occurred, employees of both organizations were encouraged to bring a gift suitable for a four-legged recipient.
As donations were unloaded and delivered to the Stratham location, Miriam LeClair, of CPManagement inventoried the goods and noted there were many thoughtful and needed items collected. “Earlier this holiday season the staff also rallied to support the human needs of our community by donating food items to the Food Bank in Manchester, NH as well as a recurring effort to the Pease n Carrots Gather food drive which recently hit its eleventh year in giving for the Seacoast Region,” said Marie Bodi, spokesperson for the company.
Please visit: www.nhspca.org/wish-list/ for detailed up-to-date needs.