Name: Marie Maia
Position: Director of Business Development & Marketing
Company: Montagno Construction, Inc.
How many years have you been in your current field? 22
Who are three women – living or dead – that you would like to have drinks with and why?
1. Emilie du Châtelet, brilliant mathematician, physicist, and philosopher, made a profound contribution to Newtonian mechanics with her 1759 translation of and commentary on Isaac Newton’s book Principia - still considered the French standard today. In her opinion, life’s pleasures included being a mother of three and a welcoming hostess, dancing, fashion, and hard intellectual work. She had great balance.
2. Born a slave , Ida B. Wells battled sexism, racism, and violence. She raised her siblings, was a teacher, an investigative journalist, activist, civil rights leader, urban reformer, and editor of her newspaper, publishing an exposé on lynching in 1892. She spoke internationally and founded the National Association of Colored Women’s Club. She knew who to sacrifice for a cause.
3. Dr. Finn Mackay. She is a contemporary thinker with an ability to see nuance in a host of women’s issues.
Her perspective, ability to communicate, and progressive activism are compelling. We could all learn a lot from her.
When approaching this question, I eliminated women I am too much awe of to get the full benefit of a chat over drinks, those I admire for their sports achievements, and any woman who literally would not drink cocktails.