Last month I wrote about the importance of member engagement. Getting more involved in ABC isn’t something you should do for the organization, but to help your company. Getting your employees involved in ABC activities and events makes them more engaged and more likely to stay.
There’s no better example of member engagement than when our companies work with fellow members. To encourage that, ABC holds our annual “Meet the Generals” event that brings together ABC general contractors and subcontractors.
Meet the Generals is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23rd from 5:00-8:00 pm at Granite Links Golf Club in Quincy. We currently have 13 GCs scheduled to come. They’re attending because they want to work with other ABC members, and it’s a great way to get on the radar of some of the finest contractors in Massachusetts.
One of the cornerstone philosophies of ABC is members supporting members. At our annual Excellence in Construction Awards, we present the ABC Spirit Award to the contactor that completed its winning project with the highest number of ABC members. A number of our successful GC/subcontractor relationships have started at our Meet the Generals events.
None of these events would be possible without members who take advantage of sponsorship opportunities. Thanks to our main event sponsor, NEI General Contracting. We also want to recognize sponsors EnviroVantage, Installations Plus, Plumb House, Bald Hill Builders, Division 15 HVAC and all our general sponsors.
These events fill up quickly, so go to ABCMA.org/events to register.
By working together to build world-class projects, ABC members strengthen both their own companies and our organization. I hope to see you on April 23rd in Quincy.
Karl Hudson is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors Inc. -Mass. Chapter, Woburn and is vice president of L.C. Anderson, Inc., Brighton, Mass.