Wallingford, CT The Proto Group has completed the following leases totaling 23,240 s/f:
• Rowland Technologies Inc. has leased 19,116 s/f of warehouse space at 25 Research Pkwy. The two-year lease has a value of $283,000. The landlord is Baker Properties Limited Partnership of White Plains, N.Y. Matt O’Hare of CB Richard Ellis of New Haven acted for the landlord and Rowland Technologies was represented by The Proto Group.
• SGI-USA has signed a lease through March 2029 for the 2,324 s/f 2nd floor space above its street level area at 27 Church St. in New Haven. SGI-USA will use the 2nd floor as a meeting and assembly area. SGI-USA was represented by Ted Schaffer of Press/Cuozzo. The landlord, 27-33 Church LLC was represented by The Proto Group.
• Yale-New Haven Hospital, Inc. has extended its lease at 1475 Whalley Ave. in New Haven for an additional five years. The hospital utilizes the 1,800 s/f space for its area blood draw lab. The landlord is ACL/Smartyale of Atlanta Georgia. The Proto Group was the sole broker.