Newton, MA According to Auburndale Realty Co., its principal, Rob Nahigian, FRICS, SIOR, CRE, MCR, was re-appointed by the Mass. Real Estate Licensing Commission/Real Estate Board (RELC) to its education subcommittee. The education subcommittee reviews and recommends to the state’s executive director and associate executive director the continuing educational requirements to remain a real estate licensed salesperson and/or broker. The subcommittee also recommends hours required for educational requirements for all licensing issues and approves any new courses submitted by the public for review. They make recommendations to the course content and outline format both for residential and commercial real estate licensing practitioners. Nahigian will be serving as the representative involved in commercial real estate. He has been periodically working with the education subcommittee since 1998 and in the last seven years has developed voluntarily and submitted over 45 CE commercial courses.
Nahigian’s service will also enhance the ability of the board to protect consumers in the Commonwealth in the practice of real estate brokering. Nahigian will be serving a one year term.
In addition, The Counselors of Real Estate (CRE) have appointed Nahigian as its national co-chair of the working together task force. The task force will identify opportunities for doing business together that are measurable benefit of membership and add value to the CRE credential. CRE is increasingly seeking ways to professionally collaborate with one another. This is new venture to promote business between counselors.