and Global president, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE.
Shelton, CT The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR held its winter meeting at the Il Palio Restaurant. Thanks to Rob Scinto and his firm, RD Scinto, for hosting and sponsoring the group once again. Thirty-seven members, sponsors, and guests were in attendance for a regular business meeting, networking hour, and dinner.
Connecticut state senator Joan Hartley made an appearance and addressed the group on the latest legislative efforts pertaining to the state’s Transfer Act initiative, in hopes of making existing regulations more user friendly.
Chapter member, and current SIOR global president Mark Duclos, spoke to those in attendance. Duclos provided an interesting high-level perspective of the organization globally, his personal experiences as global president so far, and he talked about the growth of SIOR in North America and internationally without compromising on membership standards. Mark complimented members on the vibrancy of the chapter, and our sponsors for their level of participation in events and enabling us to deliver quality programing.