Boston, MA The chapter hope you can join BOMA Boston for a webinar on Thursday, June 11th from 9 – 10:00 a.m. on COVID-19 Real Estate Myths. A group of panelists will be presenting a conversation busting some of the myths surrounding commercial real estate during the COVID-19 re-entry process. For more information, visit the BOMA Boston website. They hope you can join them!

BOMA’s charitable partner. They look forward to presenting them
with a check from the benefit virtually on June 18th!
On Thursday, June 18th from 9 – 9:30 a.m. join the BOMA Boston board and benefit committee for a special online presentation of BOMA’s donation to Bridge Over Troubled Waters. BOMA president 2020 Shawn Carroll, CBRE, will present the $45,000 donation to Elisabeth Jackson, executive director with Bridge Over Troubled Waters, and both will thank the generous sponsor for their support. BOMA is proud to be able to provide their charitable partner, Bridge Over Troubled Waters with financial support during this challenging time. Every year, Bridge serves over 2,000 homeless, runaway and at-risk youth. Right now, with schools closed, many hourly jobs shut down and some unsafe home environments, Bridge provides crucial shelter, food, resources and social services for the youth of Boston.
The 2020 BOMA International Conference & Expo will be held virtually from July 7-9, including the highly anticipated TOBY Awards celebration. The first-of-its-kind three-day virtual event will include 20 sessions led by expert speakers, a virtual exhibit hall featuring commercial real estate’s top solution providers, and a new focus on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and strategies for moving forward. There will be more information about the conference finalized in the next few weeks, keep up to date with the BOMA International Conference website.
Are you interesting in submitting a TOBY this year? The Annual TOBY & Industry Awards are held in November of each year, but the submission process starts NOW!
The BOMA Boston TOBY Tutorial can be found on the TOBY website, Check this out for an in-depth, step-by-step instruction on the TOBY Awards submission process.
On April 22nd, Joel Corley the director of BOMA 360 at BOMA International held a webinar on BOMA360. Studies show that buildings that participate in BOMA360 have a higher chance at moving on in the Regional and International competitions for the TOBY Awards! To view the recorded webinar, visit the BOMA Boston TOBY website.
BOMA Boston and BOMA International are both continuously updating their websites with updates and resources surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Look at or for more information.
Save the date for BOMA Boston events including the Annual BOMA Golf Tournament on September 28th at Pinehills in Plymouth and BOMA Fallfest on October 14th at City Winery in Boston. As of now these events will still be taking place, they will keep folks informed if they get rescheduled based on government recommendations.
For more information about any of these events or education offerings, and to get involved with BOMA Boston, visit our website at Follow them on Twitter and Instagram @BOMABoston and on LinkedIn.