Boston, MA Over the past year, the incoming president, past president and current president sifted through many qualified candidates that meet the criteria in our bylaws:
• A member in good standing of the Boston Chapter of IFMA;
• Employed or recently employed in careers related to the built environment; and
• Active in the chapter, having served on a committee and preferably, chaired a committee.
It gives IFMA great pleasure to introduce the new slate of board of directors.
• President, Joy Shapiro, Dacon
• President Elect— Angela Rothemich-D’Amato, Liberty Mutual
• VP of Finance and Information—Debbie Benjamin, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
• VP of Education—Andrew DelPrete, Liberty Mutual
• VP of Development—Carolyn Hickey, Dellbrook/JKS
• VP of Logistics—Ashley White, Babson College
• VP of Member Engagement—Chris Pestana, Fort Point Project Management
• VP of Career Expansion—Frank Rhodes, II, CFM, Marriott
• Immediate Past President—Tom Palange, Valmet
IFMA would like to thank them all in advance for their willingness to roll up their sleeves and continue to make this one of the strongest IFMA chapters in the world.
IFMA would also like to thank Dawn Borden, CFM, FacilitiesPM, Jim Connolly, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, and Meagan O’Hara, Gilbane for all of their contributions to the board of directors as they leave the board this summer.
IFMA Boston Celebrates with their 17th Annual Awards of Excellence
IFMA may not be able to come together in person this year for awards, but that didn’t stop them from celebrating their individual award winners in a virtual event on May 20th. The morning gathering included the IFMA Boston annual meeting with the announcement of the new board of directors and addresses by both the outgoing and incoming presidents. It also included a rapid fire panel discussion with IFMA Boston past presidents on how they have led through the changes facilitated by the current COVID-19 situation.
The panel included:
• Alicia Dernier, CFM, head real estate & facilities services at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research;
• Joe Flynn, LEED AP, CMS, CFM, senior project director, workplace strategist, senior associate, Margulies Perruzzi;
• Michael Kearns, CFM, LEED AP, associate vice chancellor for facilities management at University of Massachusetts Boston; and
• Sean Murphy, director, design & construction, real estate services, Liberty Mutual.

President’s Award:
Dawn Borden, CFM, of FacilitiesPM

Vision 2020 Award:
Jackie Falla of Elaine Construction

Lori Stewart Coletti Award:
Ashley Lindsey of Suffolk University
Individual awards were also conveyed to this year’s scholarship recipient Joe Truesdale of Wentworth Institute of Technology; the Lori Stewart Coletti Award to Ashley Lindsey of Suffolk University; the Vision 2020 Award to Jackie Falla, Elaine Construction; and the President’s Award to Dawn Borden, CFM, of FacilitiesPM.
Project Awards and FM Excellence recognition awards will be conveyed at this year’s FMForward Summit on June 8th. The summit will run from June 8-11 from noon-1:30 each afternoon.
More information can be found at