Glastonbury, CT The S/L/A/M Collaborative (SLAM) has promoted Catherine Ellithorpe, AIA to principal. She joined SLAM in 1994, and has developed an expertise in the public education and corporate sectors.
In her role as project manager she guides architects, consultants and contractors through the comprehensive programming, design, documentation and construction of projects. Distinguishing herself as an architect with a strong interest and understanding of all facets of the A/E/C industry, she is also the first woman member on the SLAM Construction Services board of directors.
Ellithorpe has worked on more than 300 projects at SLAM and has managed nearly 150 of them. Key corporate clients include Pfizer, L’Oréal, General Dynamics/Electric Boat, Eversource Energy, Collins Aerospace, and Foxwoods Resort Casino. Her work also includes projects in the K-12 education sector most recently managing projects to completion at two newly constructed North Providence Schools, Olney Elementary and McGuire Elementary.
In addition to leading project teams at SLAM, she is currently serving a three-year term on the AIA Connecticut (Conn. Chapter, American Institute of Architects) board of directors and has earned the confidence of the CBC (Conn. Building Congress), serving on the board of directors for six years and as the second female board president in the history of the organization. She is the current treasurer of the CBC Scholarship board of directors, serving since 2018.
A member of the Professional Women in Construction, Connecticut Chapter, Ellithorpe has recently received the 2020 Woman of Achievement Award, which recognizes a woman who has achieved professional excellence and made contributions to the A/E/C industry, including a commitment to professional growth, serving as a role model, and is dedicated to the advancement of women in the industry.
Her civic work includes serving as an appointed Board member of the Suffield Permanent Building Commission (PBC), since 2010. In her role on the PBC, she shares her professional experience to influence civic design and sound fiscal management of the town’s resources.
She holds a Bachelor of Science, Building Science and a Master of Architecture from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
“We admire Cathie’s inclusive leadership style and believe that strength has taken our firm further, faster,” said SLAM principal Donald Crowe Jr., AIA. “Clients have come to know that they will have a rewarding experience with her at the helm. The ability to forge lasting and positive relationships with owners, consultants and key stakeholders is her secret to success.”