North Haven, CT Barbara Pearce, chair and CEO of Pearce Real Estate, is pleased to announce the latest award in the long and storied career of senior commercial broker, Carl Russell, CCIM, SIOR.
Russell received the 2021 Land Sale Deal of the Year Award from the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors.
At the CCIM DealMaker Awards Dinner, held January 13 at Stony Creek Brewery, CCIM CT Chapter president Eric Amodio presented the Land Sale Deal of the Year Award to Russell for his sale last July of a 13.26-acre parcel at 185 Plains Rd. in Milford. Russell represented both the seller and the buyer, who acquired the property for future expansion.
or development.
“I was very happy to be part of this transaction since it posed several challenges with limits on zoning, restrictions that the seller had on the deed, and many years that I had the listing,” Russell said.
CCIM comprises an elite corps of brokers, leasing professionals, and other experts in real estate and related fields. Those who earn CCIM designation are recognized experts in the commercial and investment real estate industry. Russell not only holds this designation, but he is a long-time national senior instructor for the professional organization.
In addition to CCIM, Russell is a member of the Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS® (SIOR). Russell has also served as an Assistant Adjunct Professor of Real Estate at New York University, and he is a past president of the Greater New Haven Association of Realtors. He is a specialist in investment analysis and offers his clients more than 45 years of experience in commercial real estate.