Happy Summer! After coming off the heels of Tammy Jordan’s excellent presentation on “Building a Resilient Post-Covid Workforce,” we’re all so very excited for even more in-person gatherings with our IREM community, as we all work together and within our separate organizations to build up our emotional competencies. We’re stronger together, and we look forward to many opportunities this summer to be together and continue to augment our personal, professional, and organizational strength.
Next up is the Boston Red Sox game and networking event at Kenmore Sq.’s Cask ’n Flagon, on June 21st. For those of you lucky enough to snag tickets before the event sold out, we’re looking forward to seeing you at the Cask ’n Flagon early on in the game to network and catch up before heading over to our seats. Win or lose, this event is always a good time! Thank you to our event sponsors Flynn Law Group and Norel Service Co., Inc.
July will feature another networking event, this time at the Crossing Nines at Granite Links. Entitled “Let’s Get Back to Business,” this event is open to members, industry partners, and Friends of IREM. Grab a bucket of balls and catch up with some IREM colleagues, all while taking in the beautiful Boston skyline. To register or for more information, visit http://iremboston.org. Thanks again to event sponsors Flynn Law Group and Paul Davis – Property Restoration Experts.
Our July Granite Links event is the perfect warm-up for our Annual Golf Tournament and Networking Event, taking place on September 12th at Granite Links. This all-day affair includes golf tournament, raffle prizes, a silent auction, lunch and dinner, cornhole tournament, the 2023 board of directors candidates, hole contests, networking, and music! Sign up your foursome now, and/or reach out regarding sponsorship opportunities. The tournament is the organization’s annual fundraiser that benefits the IREM Foundation, which helps make sure our organization’s fantastic educational programs are available to everyone!
See you this summer!
Melissa Fish-Crane is the 2022 president of IREM Boston and principal & COO at the Peabody Properties.