As president of the CoreNet New England Chapter, I’m excited that we’re gearing up for a busy fall season! Our mission is to connect end users and service providers with networking and learning opportunities to promote personal excellence, and to add value to each of our individual members and respective enterprises.

Excellence May 5, 2022

Excellence May 5, 2022

Golf Tournament, October 6, 2021

Golf Tournament, October 6, 2021
Not only do we have our 21st Annual Golf Tournament on October 6th at Pinehills Golf Club, of which a portion of proceeds support The Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, but all CoreNet New England committees are working hard to bring webinars, programs and events with educational, resource-rich and thought-provoking content from top industry professionals to our members, sponsors, and beyond. Please be sure to check our event calendar on our website for all of our upcoming programs and events.

Networking Event at SPIN Boston, June 9, 2022
We are 500 members strong in New England and are proud to boast the highest member retention rate among CoreNet Global Chapters worldwide! If you’re interested in joining CoreNet New England as a member and/or sponsor, we are proud to provide:
Access to a Robust CoreNet Global Network
• Professional development designation programs (Master of Corporate Real Estate (MCR), Qualified Professional of Corporate Real Estate (QPCR) and Senior Leader of Corporate Real Estate (SLCR);
• Connections to 47 global chapters and networking groups; and
• Publications, research, conferences and more!
Groundbreaking Thought Leadership Programs
• The Chapter’s Career Strategies + Development, DE&I, Education, Programs, Real Advantage, Membership, University Relations and Young Leaders Committees host 70+ programs each year.
• Professional Development and Leadership Programs for Young Leaders in C.R.E (Young Leaders Professional Development Program) as well as Leadership 2.0, geared towards C.R.E. professionals in the mid to senior level career range.
• Yearly Awards of Excellence Dinner exceeds 500 professionals in celebrating C.R.E.s, service providers and workplace award winners.
Please reach out to Karyn Houde, our executive director to learn more about membership and sponsorship by emailing newengland@corenetglobalne.org.
Maureen Rystrom is the president/chair of CoreNet Global New England Chapter and vice president of marketing | partner at J. Calnan & Associates, Quincy, Mass.