As part of its ongoing efforts to revitalize properties formerly used as public school facilities, on October 11, the city of Warwick issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the sale of two properties: the former school administration building, and the former home of the Randall Holden Elementary School.
The city’s intention is to sell both properties for development in order to generate tax revenue for the city, in addition to providing land use amenities consistent with the uses allowed in each parcel’s salient zoning district. The city will consider by-right uses allowed in either district with support from the planning department for a PDR overlay in the case of the former school administration building. However, a deed conveying each property shall be recorded prior to the submission of any land development or subdivision application.
The Randall Holden property, located at 61 Hoxsie Ave. (Assessor’s Plat 320, Lot 243), consists of approximately 4.31 acres situated in a well-established residential area zoned A-7. Properties fronting on nearby Warwick Ave.–one of the city’s busiest thoroughfares–are zoned General Business. The RFP notes that the location represents an ideal opportunity to infill the parcel with a housing density similar to that of the area established by the A-7 zoning district, with perhaps a small open space common area as an amenity for the surrounding neighborhood. It notes that the current zoning, A-7, is the city’s densest, by-right zone district, and that a reasonable development proposal might yield 22 lots, with a small open space common included. The parcel is serviced by municipal water, sewer, and gas service.
Likewise, the former school administration property, at 34 Warwick Lake Ave. (Assessor’s Plat 328, Lot 261) is zoned A-7 and located next to a well-established neighborhood. It consists of roughly 2.58 acres and fronts along Warwick Ave. Parcels across the street are zoned General Business and Office.
The city engaged the services of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. to prepare hazardous materials assessments, including a building removal cost estimate, for each property.
The purchasing department, in coordination with the Planning Department, will hold a non-mandatory tour of both sites on Tuesday, October 18 at 10 a.m. beginning at the Hoxsie Ave. site. Sealed bids will be accepted up until 4 p.m. on Monday, November 21, 2022. Bids will then be opened publicly that day at the public properties committee meeting in city council chambers, 3275 Post Rd., Warwick. Awards will be made on the basis of the highest bid for each property either individually or collectively regardless of which properties are sought by bidders; bidders may bid one or both properties in question.
This is an “as is” fee simple sale to the highest, sealed bidder. Should the highest bidder withdraw at any point in the process prior to closing, the second highest bidder will be pursued by the city. Please note that no proposals can be accepted via email or fax. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids at its discretion.
A deposit of $130,000 must be included with the sealed bid and will be applied to the purchase price of the property. All other respondents’ deposits will be deposited by the city and repaid upon the City Council’s formal acceptance of the highest bidder.
The complete RFP, including the hazardous materials assessment reports, and other terms, conditions, and requirements, can be found online at: https://www.warwickri.gov/bids. Prospective bidders with questions are asked to contact planning director Tom Kravitz at 401-921-9683.
Frank Picozzi is the mayor of the city of Warwick, R.I.