Brighton, MA Last month, Dellbrook|JKS executives Robert Carson, director of safety and risk management and Sheryce Hearns, director of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) launched a Safe & Respectful Jobsite (SRJ) reporting program that will allow the firm to better report harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
“Dellbrook|JKS is committed to maintaining a Culture of Care,” said Hearns “which means that as a company we are dedicated to ensuring that all our employees and partners are working in a place that is safe and inclusive to all. We know that not everyone is comfortable disclosing instances of harassment, discrimination, or bullying with others, and that initiating these conversations can be difficult, which is exactly what we hope to ease with our Safe & Respectful Jobsite measures.”
In conjunction with the program’s introduction, Hearns and Carson visited the redevelopment of J.J. Carroll, a 142-unit senior living complex for 2Life Communities, to place Dellbrook|JKS’ first SRJ sign. The 2 X 2 sign features a QR code which quickly directs users to a form where they can describe an incident or share a photo and send a notice to the Dellbrook|JKS Safety & Risk and DEI departments.
Dellbrook|JKS’ project team on J.J. Carroll gathered in support of the new program and were briefed on the sign’s use. The firm also intends to create hundreds of small SRJ stickers that allow for increased discretion during the situation reporting process, in addition to placing full-size signs on each site.
“When looking back at the projects I have been part of, the most successful are those where the teams respected each other, collaborated well, and allowed solutions or ideas to come from anyone at any level. With that, there are still workers who do not feel able to speak up when they have a concern or are facing discrimination; it’s going to take all of us to put an end to that. Whether it be reporting unsafe acts and conditions, or harassment they have either experienced or witnessed, we need them to speak up,” said Carson.
“By implementing the SRJ program, we are encouraging and empowering individuals to do just that without any fear of retaliation. It’s important that our employees and subcontractors know we will not tolerate acts that misalign with our Culture of Care beliefs. Through Culture of Care, we will establish lines of communication that may not have existed before, making all our worksites a better place for all.”