Previously I wrote that my priority as ABC MA chair was to help member companies succeed just like earlier generations at our chapter helped me. This month, I’m pleased to offer an example of that help: Our chapter’s new Member Success Kit. Visit the ABC MA website to find a concise guide to all the ways ABC and our chapter can help your company.
The kit is a great way for those who joined ABC MA recently to understand all the benefits of membership, and it’s like continuing education for more veteran members who may not be aware of newer programs that can help their company succeed.
Our companies are all about the quality of our employees – our most important resource. ABC MA members get discounts of up to 20 percent at the Gould Construction Institute, our state-approved training affiliate. Gould offers over 125 courses ranging from pre-apprentice training, apprentice craft training, safety and career development. Last year we launched our new daytime electrical training program.
Does your company do public work or want to get into that market? If so, ABC MA offers a state-approved registered apprenticeship program through our Building Mass Careers initiative.
ABC MA can also help your company get noticed through our awards and recognition programs, such as our Excellence in Construction Awards, which annually honor projects that are the very best in merit shop construction.
Everybody likes saving money, and we offer multiple ways to do it. Membership gives you access to discounts on insurance and benefit costs through our ABC Insurance Trust, Self-Insured Workers’ Compensation Group and The Contractors Plan. Through our national parent organization, you can access discounts on everything from shipping to vehicle fleet management.
And we can help you prepare for the challenges that will inevitably arise. We offer seminars on HR, labor and other important issues, and provide you with access to legal advice and even a free initial 30-minute legal consultation.
Massachusetts can be a tough place for open-shop-construction companies to do business. With that in mind, ABC MA has respected advocates on Beacon Hill who represent you before both the legislative and executive branches of state government.
ABC MA succeeds when our member companies succeed. I urge you to take a look at the new Member Success Kit. I think you’ll be surprised to discover all the ways in which we can help your business.
Vera Vadeboncoeur is the 2023 ABC MA chair and is controller at Fernandes Masonry, Inc., New Bedford, MA