Waltham, MA Vantage Builders, Inc. hosted its second annual Vantage Builders fore Charity Golf Classic tournament, with 128 golfers taking part in the shotgun start tournament, held at Franklin Country Club on August 14.
More than just bragging rights were at stake in the tournament. The event benefited the Balanced Veterans Network (BVN), which serves United States veterans and their families worldwide by educating, empowering, and equipping them to successfully and safely utilize alternative therapies to heal and live healthy and balanced lives.
Through the generosity of the golfers and the tournament’s 39 sponsors, the fore Charity Golf Classic raised an amazing $20,000 for BVN. Caleb Masoner, BVN’s co-founder, and Jen Baxter, BVN’s executive director, spoke at the awards ceremony.
“The wonderful contribution from Vantage Builders’ fore Charity Golf Classic will make an incredible impact toward Balanced Veterans Network’s mission,” said Baxter.
“The money received from this event will support BVN’s operations for the fourth quarter of 2023. This impact directly supports all Medical Marijuana certification reimbursements, weekly wellness classes for our 880+ member community, no-cost MMJ certification processing for 25 patients, peer support community platform, educational resources and access to various alternative therapy options. In addition, this money will directly go to support in-person events which have the greatest, most positive impact amongst our community, especially when isolation may be a factor. Balanced Veterans Network is extremely grateful to Vantage Builders and all sponsors involved with helping BVN’s mission continue forward.”
“The turnout for this year’s tournament was really impressive, we had a great group of golfers and people who joined us for the awards dinner,” said Ed Silva, principal, Vantage Builders. “The construction industry has a real dedication to helping people in the community and veterans’ issues are always a top focus. We’re very pleased to have been able to bring everyone together on behalf of BVN.”
Vantage would like to thank the generous sponsors of the Vantage Builders fore Charity Golf Classic, particularly the lead sponsors: Alternative Creative Energy & HVAC; Colliers; Control Air Systems; E.J. Callahan & Associates; Facilico; Griffin Greenhouse Supplies; MEC Electrical Contractors; NV5; and Sanctuary Medicinals. The tournament’s additional foursome sponsors and raffle donors included 128 CRE; Adzemen Demolition; Bohler; Caveney Architectural Collaborative; Ci Design; Encore Fire Protection; Harpoon Brewery; Hilliards Chocolates; Jillian Lynch Photography; Joe the Architect; Masiero Woodworks; Maugel DeStefano Architects; McCloskey Mechanical Contractors; MG Commercial Real Estate; Middlesex Savings Bank; Northeastern Services; Paddle Boston; Polar Mechanical; Professional Fire Systems; Ruberto, Israel & Weiner; R.W. Holmes Commercial Real Estate; SourcePromo; Spade Technology; Superior Contracting Services; Tree House Brewing Company; The Turn Golf Box; Twelve Points Wealth Management; Vision 3 Architects; Woodruff Sawyer; and the Worcester Red Sox.
Vantage Builders would like to extend a special thanks to Allie Silva for organizing the tournament and to the terrific group of volunteers who helped make it a success! Planning is already underway for Vantage Builders’ third annual fore Charity Golf Classic tournament. If you are interested in sponsoring next year’s tournament, please email forecharity@vb-inc.com.