Salem, MA Dan and Sara Pouladian of North Shore Realty Advisors, Inc. has sold 5 separately owned properties. North Shore Realty Advisors, Inc. represented all five sellers and was sold individually to separate buyers.

31 Perkins St. is a 4-story brick apartment building with a total of 12,113 s/f and consists of a 9 unit apartment building with 8 off-street parking spots. This transaction closed for $2.275 million.
2 Essex St. is a 6 unit mixed-use property and home of Ziggy’s Donuts and located in the Salem Commons District. The property sold for $1.4 million.
68-72 Palmer St. is a 4-story brick apartment building with a total of 14,872 s/f which consists of 10 residential units and 9 off-street parking spots. This transaction closed at the sale price of $2.175 million.

19-21 Pleasant St. which is a 5-unit apartment building and 8 off-street parking located on the Salem Commons which closed above asking price at $1.6 million.
18 Peabody St. which consisted of 3 residential units and offered historic state and federal renovation tax credits. Peabody St. closed at the asking price of $790,000.