November 06, 2008 -
As a post Presidential Election event, the Fairfield/Westchester Chapter of the Real Estate Finance Association of Connecticut (REFA-CT) will host a luncheon with economics professor Edward Deak on November 19th at the Stamford Marriott. With a view looking toward 2009, Dr. Deak will discuss the global credit crisis, the implementation of the Congressional bailout legislation, the impact of the Presidential election, the nation's debt burden, the issues of raising or cutting taxes and the state of the economy in this region.
The event, which includes lunch, will begin at 11:45 a.m. and end at 1:30 p.m. The program is open to REFA-CT pre-registered members for a fee of $35 and to members of the public for $50. Pre-registration is preferred, however registration is permitted at the door for $50.
Dr. Deak is the Roger M. Lynch Professor of Economics and chair of the Department of Economics at Fairfield University. Dr. Deak is also a board member and the Connecticut forecast manager for the New England Economic Partnership. In 2007, Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell named Dr. Deak to the Governor's Economic Advisory Council, an eight-member panel of leading economists from throughout the state to advise her on key issues affecting the regional economy. Dr. Deak published The Economics of e-Commerce and the Internet (Southwester Thomson Learning 2003), in which he tackles misconceptions about the economics of the Internet. He has testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Financial Services and Technology, and was the governor's appointee and chair to the Connecticut Economic Conference Board. Dr. Deak earned his bachelor's, master's and doctorate in economics from the University of Connecticut.
REFA is an organization of over six hundred real estate professionals from a variety of institutions and companies that come together to exchange ideas through breakfast and luncheon programs, professional education seminars and networking events.
For more information on this educational program, please contact Sharon Moran at 860-243-3977 or via email at