November 19, 2008 -
Name: Peter Bachmann, AIA
Title: Director, Architecture & Engineering
Company: BL Companies
Location: Meriden, Conn.
Birthplace: New York City
Family: Wife, Laurie Ann McGavin Bachmann; daughter, Maya Julie Bachmann
College: Tufts University, B.A., Psychology; R.I. School of Design, BFA, B.Arch
First job in real estate or allied field: "Office boy" at Childs Bertman Tsekares in Boston
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: BJ Companies, an employee-owned firm, is a leader in delivering integrated architecture, engineering and related services to public and private clients for land development, building and infrastructure projects. We are a community of professionals working in partnership with our clients to develop creative solutions that enrich the built environment. Throughout our seven offices located in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, we have a reputation for excellence among clients, regulators, business partners and peers founded on our uncompromising commitment to integrity, quality and exceptional service.
Hobbies: Choral and a cappella singing, sailing
Favorite book: "The Name of the Rose," Umberto Ecco
Favorite movie: The Princess Bride"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Barack Obama
Keys to success: Honesty, perseverance, creativity, relationships
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Teacher