Gemini recently completed major emergency power upgrades at three N.H. hospitals.
Catholic Medical Center in Manchester upgraded to a 3 megawatt system. Gemini was the DB GC and EC for the new three story building housing three one-MW generators and associated paralleling switchgear. Completion was in 180 days.
Gemini was the GC and EC for the Concord Hospital upgrade of a new 7200 s/f building housing new 10,000A paralleling switchgear for the genset it installed as part of their contract on the new addition. Completion was in 180 days.
Also, Gemini was the DB GC and EC on an upgrade of Frisbee Memorial Hospital's system, designing and building a new area in existing space for two new 800kw gensets and paralleling gear. Construction was completed in 75 days.
All three projects required standby and temporary power furnished by Gemini's generator division -Power Up Generator Service.