Northeast Buildings and Facilities Management Show (NEBFM) to be held at the Boston Convention and Events Center June 10th and 11th.
The fourth annual NEBFM is scheduled for just around the corner! New location, same great price: free!
Why should you attend NEBFM 2009?
1. It's free to register!
2. There's a packed exhibit hall with great ideas and innovations for your next project.
3. Receive professional credits for attending any of the educational sessions (CEU, CFM, etc.)
4. We're going to give you a free lunch.
5. We're going to give you ½ off for parking!
6. Great networking opportunities including a reception with free refreshments and appetizers.
7. Did we mention it's free to register?
8. IFMA Boston is a co-sponsor, so come show your support for the chapter by attending!
But wait, there's more!
Visit the IFMA Boston - Community Projects Committee at Booth 729. Find out how to get involved with all of the great work they're doing and buy a $5 raffle ticket to benefit The Boston Health Care for the Homeless program. You're getting a free lunch and saving $5 on parking so view it as way to keep the good karma rolling!
Add it all up and it's an economical and educational way to spend the day!
To register, visit the IFMA Boston website www.ifmaboston.org.