January 13, 2011 -
Name: Christopher Cooney
Title: President and CEO
Company: Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Location: Brockton and 17 surrounding communities
Birthplace: New Bedford, Mass. Birth Date: 1967
Family: Wife, Deborah; three children, Lily, Ella and Jocelyn
College: University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth - BA Economics; Suffolk University, Master in Public Administration (MPA)
First job in current field: Vice President - Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? The Metro South Chamber of Commerce serves over 1,000 businesses through research, consultation, education and advocacy. Technology will shape the way we deliver these services in the future.
Hobbies: Travel, antique home restoration, gardening, skiing, hiking
Recent books: "A Barn in New England" and "Tuesdays With Morrie"
Favorite Movie: "F.I.S.T."
Person you admire (outside of family): Senator George Mitchell as an effective mediator
Keys to success: In the Chamber industry, I am surrounded by bright, articulate and engaged business people who volunteer their time to better the community. I have never hesitated in requesting their guidance, perspective and support to achieve organizational, professional and personal development goals.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Professor/teacher/mentor