Mid-summer, enjoy it and don't blink. Yesterday I actually over-heard someone say "it's too hot". You've gotta love New Englanders and their weather.
Speaking of summer, join us for a Boston Harbor cruise on July 22. I'm not sure how many tickets will remain by the time this is published but it promises to be a fun night. Check the chapter website for availability.
You would think mid-summer is a slow time but not so for your chapter volunteers and Lianne who are busy putting together the programs to be offered in the fall. Sneak preview:
* The Rhode Island Branch is developing an exciting "green" oriented program to be presented on September 16 at the Save the Bay facility in Providence.
* The Hewitt - Kinsella Memorial Golf Tournament will be held at Stow Acres Country Club on September 29.
* The N.E. Appraiser Expo will be held in Norwood on October 6.
* A joint meeting with the Commercial Brokers Association (CBA) is being planned for a date in October.
Join me in congratulating our newest designated members. Greg Curtis and Fred Eichmann received the MAI designation; Adam Andolfo and Douglas Gablinske received the SRA designation; and George Demopulos received the AI-RRS designation. George is the first in the MA-RI Chapter to be awarded the residential review designation.
On a national level, Jim Amorin, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS was nominated for 2015 vice president by the National Nomination Committee at its May 1 meeting. Amorin serves and has served numerous prominent roles within AI including chair of AI's Strategic Planning Committee and 2009 national president. However, as allowed by Appraisal Institute By-laws, there is a 45-day period after the National Nominating Committee has made their recommendation to the board of directors where a petition can be filed challenging the recommended nominee. A petition with the appropriate number of signatures was filed within the prescribed timeframe stating that, in the opinion of the signatories, Kern Slucter, MAI, SRA was a more qualified candidate. Therefore, at the board meeting in Austin, TX on August 7 and 8, both candidates will make presentations to the board. After an appropriate question and answer period, the Board will vote. The winner is determined by a simple majority of those eligible voters present for the meeting. You can read the candidates bio's on the My Appraisal Institute section of the national website.
In closing I want to take a minute to recognize CBRE/New England, Joseph J. Blake and Associates, Inc., and Colliers International for their generous support and sponsorship of the chapter.
Joseph Comperchio, SRA, is the 2014 president of the Mass. & R.I. chapter of the Appraisal Institute, and works for commercial banking at Chase, Boston, MA.