Appraisal & Consulting

Industrial markets – 2024 - by William Pastuszek

Industrial has been a darling investment class and should continue to be, even with the following discussion which indicates moderation nationally and in Boston. This sector is highly diversified, ranging from the “Amazons” to “Main Street” industrial. The Boston market - as small as it is - has enjoyed a good run with dramatic shifts in supply, construction, pricing and rent increases.

Challenges of restaurant valuation for appraisers - by John Nitz

During the 2020-21 COVID Pandemic, the restaurant industry struggled with at least 600 Connecticut restaurants failing during this time period, per the Connecticut Restaurant Association. As the Pandemic ended, restaurants in Connecticut began to flourish once again,

Commercial real estate decline: Not over yet. - by Daniel Calano

Recently, I and others have written about office vacancies, leading to loss of income, and thus potential credit problems. As noted, not all sectors of commercial real estate are in the same boat as office, which has many more problems than other sectors such as retail and industrial.

News from Fannie, Freddie and USPAP - by Bill Pastuszek

For residential appraisers: the GSEs continue to publish guidance for residential appraisal practice. Here are some recent excerpts. Fannie Mae - Reconsideration of Value Guidance (Selling Guide Issuance, May 1, 2024, effective August 1, 2024).

Appraisal Career Foundations: The joys of real estate appraisal - by Arnold Grant

At times it is challenging to coax an individual to consider becoming a real estate appraiser. Potential candidates without appraisal experience may be reluctant to enter a new field of study. Yet attracting new people can revitalize an appraisal firm. Appraisal offers an entry into the realm of commercial real estate opportunities.

Rates and dates - The Fed likely to hold off - by David Kirk

After the Wednesday May 1st Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting chairman Powell delivered what was characterized as a dovish announcement. Some pundits called this one the first dovish announcements by chairman Powell, for that matter, also any of the members serving on the FOMC under his leadership.

What will interest rates be? Not your father’s loan package - by Daniel Calano

>Back in the good old days, and I do mean old, real estate planning was relatively simple: The key metric was location, location, location, later improved by timing, timing, timing. Yes, there was a nod to supply/demand analysis, and thus competition, but the data was not as available as you needed.

Residential appraiser modernization and market update - by William Pastuszek

Ever since interest rates started their climb in 2022, appraiser volume went the other way. Residential appraisers doing mortgage work depend on two types of mortgage pipelines: purchases and refinances. For a while now, neither source has produced much flow.

The Great Apartment Boom in Connecticut - by John Nitz

Several major cities in Connecticut are exploding with new apartment development and/or proposals in recent years. The increasing demand for housing, low apartment vacancy rates, and rising apartment rents have been driving factors encouraging new development throughout Connecticut. Cities such as Hartford, New Haven, New Britain, and Stamford

The deal and the data - by David Kirk

Not confusing. Complicated. Not a commodity. Commercial property is converting to a higher and better use. Still an economic derivative. Following the economy! Talk it out. Walk it out. Got gas. Use it!