Pidgeon & Co.
Years in real estate: 10
How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career: To be successful and have longevity in this industry, it’s important to know what your strengths are and play to them but also have an objective view of your weaknesses. I am forever striving to do the best by clients and employees. The firm and I must evolve in some areas and designate more qualified people in others. It’s for that reason I attack each service with passion and an experienced team to deliver real estate transformations.
What trends are you seeing so far this year: With the continued surge of centralized “living/work/play” development and revitalized centers and the influx of big box deliveries like Amazon, I think the time of small business storefronts in renovated city centers to reconnect community is on the forefront. Human connection cannot be lost. Don’t want to carry the merchandise out? Maybe local business will take the que and start delivering to you.
What do you do for fun: Hunt for furniture and find inspiration for the next design trend.