Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Years in real estate: 20
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: WTS - Women in Transportation, ACEC – American Council of Engineering Companies, ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers, BSCE – Boston Society of Civil Engineers, and MALSCE - Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers
How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career: Even before our WBE Certification, I have been intimately involved with all aspects of the business and work hard at ensuring customer satisfaction. Being hands on in the development of strong client relationships and always looking for ways to develop and improve procedures and exceed industry standards is key. With our experience in the civil and land surveying industry, I strongly believe that our employees are the backbone of Brennan Consulting. Building the right team that is laser focused on the delivery of quality is the only way to be successful.
What do you do for fun: My family enjoys the unlimited outdoor activities in New England and we spend our free time skiing, mountain biking and hiking.